Cipatujah beach is the beach has waves. It has coral reefs usually utilized fish to spawn. Cipatujah beach is the longest beach and South Beach area around the widest. The sandy beaches of iron so good for sun themselves or activities to implement other beaches.

     Of interest in this beach is,sometimes people there who hold a bullriding contest is accompanied with typical Sundanese arts beat,drums plus rampak angklung so invite lots of people to watch it.
Cipatujah beaches are Cipatujah village,subdistrict Cipatujah,Tasikmalaya regency,West Java. Located approximately 74 km from the city center Tasikmalaya. 


     Sindangkerta beach is just 4 km from the coast Cipatujah. Marine tourism area is very good for families because there are many large trees growing alongside the coast and the sea breeze creates a coolness and makes linger at this beach.

     On these attractions are Lengsar park,on the beach because there are coral flat and large enough to be seen clearly when the sea level was receding.


     Pamayangsari beach not far from the beach Sindangkerta or about 7 km from the beach Cipatujah. Pamayangsari beach is a center for fishing activities of the fishermen on the South Coast Tasikmalaya. Coastal fishing village which is usually held the fishing party activities undertaken each year as an expression of gratitude for the ease and success in fishing the fishermen to God.

     Purpose other than as an expression of gratitude for the success of the fishermen catching fish obtained,The District Tasikmalaya empowering and exciting annual event has become a tourist attraction that can be enjoyed by tourists who come to this area.


     Kampung naga is a village which is inhabited by a group of people who are very strong in holding the relics of ancestral customs,in this case is custom Sunda.
Such as the Badui settlements,Kampung Naga became the object of Anthropological study about rural life in the transition of Sunda Hindu influence to the influence of Islam in West Java.

     Kampung Naga communities still hold traditional customs of their ancestors. They reject the intervention of outside parties if it is interfering and damaging the sustainability of the village.
Kampung Naga is administratively located in the area Neglasari,subdistrict Salawu,district Tasikmalaya,West Java.


     Curug (waterfall) Dengdeng located in the village of Cikawung Ading,Cipatujah district. Curug Dengdeng with 3 level of this waterfall called Dengdeng because the condition is not flat.

     To get to this waterfall requires a fairly long journey tiring of having to walk through a forest of teak,but scenery is very beautiful served as natural conditions are still very natural. Very suitable for you who love nature adventure.

About Tantry Suwitapradja

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