
The Traditional Sunda Village,Kampung Naga

    The uniqueness of this village lies in the uniformity of the houses,the direction they face,their design,and the building materials. All the gables of the houses face the river and are aligned along an east-west axis. The thaching material for the roofs is ijuk (sugar falm fiber). There are no motorcycles or any other vehicles in or near the village. The narrow lanes between the houses are made of round cobble stones,as are the retaining walls and the stairways which led to the upper part of the village. There is not electricity in kampung naga,and even the use of window glass is very recent. All in all,Kampung Naga has just over a hundred houses and as many families.

    The kepala adat,the man in charge of traditional cultural affairs,has his house just below the village assembly hall and might be willing.,if he is there,to brief you on aspects of the old Sundanese culture as they have been preserved in kampung naga.
Among these is the monthly processtion to the grave of the village`s founder,Sembah Dalem Singaparna,located on a hilltop to the west. Another tradition is a festival called Pedaran in memory of the ancsectors,it is held each year during the lunar month of Mulud ( the islamic month in wich the Prophet Muhammad was born). On the 12th of Mulud,weapons and heirlooms are ritully cleansed in the river.
Reportedly,there was once a book writen in sanskrit containing many details of thr history of particular culture of this village. Seem to have perished in clashes between Islamic Fundamentalist and government troops in the year1956 when the fundamentalist wanted to set up west java as an islamic state.
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About Tantry Suwitapradja

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