Garut is a city districts in West Java Province,Garut can go only with a distance of + 60 km from Bandung has many beautiful tourist places convenient for you to visit. Beside having a very beautiful natural attractions, Garut also has several cultural attractions which is a relic of the past history.
The following are some of the tourist destinations in Garut which you can visit  :


     Mountain Papandayan is a natural attraction that must visit when you come to Garut. In this area also contained Papandayan crater is also frequented by many visitors.

     Mountain Papandayan is one of the volcano is still active and often spewed massive lava. The first erupted in 1772,though not diminish the beauty of the creater of the volcano first provide exceptional impression.
Explore the creater which is still active it will give you the experience immeasurably, where hot steam billowing upward never put to a stop even in the rain.
Papandayan creater is located in the village Sirna Jaya and the village Keramat Wangi,subdistrict Cisurupan. Located at an altitude of 2300 m above sea level (dpl),is in the nature reserve Papandayan with a winding road with beautiful views of the pine forest.


     Cangkuang temple is a Hindu temple located in the village of Pulo,Cangkuang region,district Leles. This temple who first found in Tatar Sunda and is the only Hindu temple located in Tatar Sunda.

     This temple was first discovered in 1966 by researchers Harsoyo and Uka Candrasasmita based Vordeman report in the minutes book Bataviaasch Genotschap 1893 issue of the existence of a broken statue and ancient tombs in the hill village of Pulo,Leles. Tomb and statue of Shiva is indeed found,at the beginning of the study which is the visible presence of the stone ruins of a temple. Ancient tomb is the tomb of Arief Muhammad considered locals as their ancestors. In addition to find the ruins of the temple,there are also pieces of knives and large rocks are thought to be a relic of the megaliths.


     In addition to the hot springs tourism Cipanas,Darajat pass travel is not another option that has a touch of nature hot springs and facilities complete play. Darajat pass location is at the foot of the volcano is about 24 km from the city of Garut. The roads are pretty good,you get through to the site by private car or public transport.

     In Darajat pass you are offered beautiful natural attractions,the springs and for those of you who like outbound several places already provide.


     This beautiful Santolo located 150 km from the city of Bandung,or 80 km from the city of Garut. His name is certainly not  as famous Kuta beach in Bali,but silence and a panoramic view of the beach is certainly its own advantages.

     Yet many lovers who know Santolo tourism,perhaps because of its remote location and winding road,but at Santolo there was a rocket launch site that is part of the institutional Space Agencies and National Airlines. In addition,a complete fish markets and seafood restaurants are widely available here.


     Sayang heulang beach located in the village Mancagahar,subdistrict Pameungpeuk,Garut. The pristine coastal conditions indicate that the quality  and cleanliness of the environment around these attractions can be said to be good. This beach ownership in the hands of the police,and the beach at any given time be a place of training soldiers.

     If you come to the beach,do not miss the beautiful moments of sunset and sunrise can be enjoyed by visitors white sandy beaches.


     Kamojang crater is a nature reserve and tourist district at an altitude of about 1730 m above sea level,is located on the ridge of Guntur mountain. Here can be found fumaroles,mud craters,lakes heat and  smoke emerging from the soil cracks. Kamojang crater is classified as a type strato and mountain last erupted in the Pleistocene era.

     Extensive nature reserve Kamojang tourist park about 10 acres but is now used area of 7,8 hectares. Here there are 23 craters,two of which were shaped lake with smoke billowing from the surface of the water.


About Tantry Suwitapradja

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