Tips and Tricks
How frugal shopping..

     Bandung is a shopping destination of many cities,many people come in addition to enjoying the natural beauty around Bandung also aims to shopping.
Many shopping places that offer prices,but as buyers we must be observant and wise in spending our money.
There are several ways that we can save money and get the good stuff we want.

- Before a visit to Bandung, it helps you figure out where the first place are often offered discounts and high quality goods.

- You should be shopping at the time of the morning,because at the time it is usually a spot of shopping is still empty and you can choose the goods you want to carefully without any haste.

- if you want a more efficient shopping and lots of options, you should spending on Pasar Baru. There you can choose a wide range of goods and bargain prices from merchands who have been determined.

     Before shopping you should breakfast, so you have enough energy for shopping at various places of interes. So,happy shopping and enjoy it.

About Tantry Suwitapradja

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